Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the beginning of an ending

I was randomly reading a few blogs just now before I gather my thoughts and be productive for an hour. I was smiling and laughing at some of them. Then suddenly it hits me and I realized that I haven't been sharing anything entertaining or light as of lately.

Bah, I haven't even upload the photo and blog of my Taiwan trip. Sighs, right, the year has started off pretty busy (which is for one, a real good start) and slightly bitter. I guess that was what bogged me down recently. Anyways, it doesn't matter really because everyone buys my cheerfulness and it is so easy to deceive people into believing that you are enjoying yourself most of the time. Well, I always thought, just because you are a bitter person, it doesn't mean that you have the rights to impose your bitterness to everyone.

In fact, the right thing to do is to spread happiness and let your laughter be contagious.
Ahh, there are so much things in my head...and so little time yet to type them out and put it onto the world wide space- so that people who shares the same sentiments could read and know that there are another bitter person out there somewhere who understands them.

Then again, which two person can understand each other so well? Quoting RR "Nobody has ever walked in another person's shoe before, hence, they will never exactly understand how it feels like to be another person".

Oh well, I guess when you are feeling bitter, the best thing to do is to look around and realize that yourself is actually in a much better condition than other people. At least you've got enough to save yourself from hunger and cold, you are healthy and free from illness and you are still blessed with a family and friends.

Right. Let's do the bunny chant, "If I survive this one, I can take the next that comes along"

Yeap, I am capable to taking good care of myself and now, let's just pray hard that February has got good news for me. Even though tough days will eventually follow suit but I am sure I can brave through it with or without the support of any other people. Geez...honestly, after almost 2 years of being dependent, I felt so tired to revert back to my old self again. I guess, it is just a girl thing that at times, you just wish that you could depend on another person.
Then again, being dependent would really weaken the soul. Moreover, Fate didn't seem to be giving me a choice. It's more like it that I just have to be independent again.

Well, ~whatever.

1 c a r r o t s:

Jaya Etican said...

Bitterness or cheerfulness is part and parcel of life. You cant continuously spread cheer and hide your bitterness. That would be akin to living in a lie.

It would be good to be able to find one whom is able to share both your despair and joyous moments. By then, you would understand that it's not just merely about any party understanding one another, but instead respecting each other's feelings to a degree which is comforting to both.

Your friend once said, "one would never be able to walk in another's shoes", however in order for 2 individuals to understand one another, it requires communication. And by communication means, the bare truth regardless if it's cheerful or not. No point just sharing the good times and feeling empty when things don't go your way.

I was never here to advice, merely to share my thoughts with you (eventhough at times the words that leave my tongue sounds like an advice), as I call you 'my friend'. Remember that always yea?!