Friday, February 6, 2009

hectic all over again

The final semester already..definitely is going to give a good fight...but now...the fight seems so exhaustive....

My project report is 90% done...but I don't feel satisfied at all...there is still that 'something' to make it whole....but where?? where?? which journal article? how to calculate the statistics? to buy SPSS is easy..RM 7 only..but to use and understand is difficult. I had stats in Year 1 but after learning and all...I have yet to master it....don't even know how to apply a real life sad.

Then there's the subjects....I have read many pages? Don't is depressing really.
Honestly time accelerated after Year 2. Year 1 had the suckiest lecturers on Earth..all total aliens but they get better over the time with Anthony (i idolized him), LYM, dr. Haresh, dr. Hii (angel, seriously)...and now you wonder why they come so late in the picture. has turned into a bullet train and I had this blog about Genting which I have yet to post. But it's okay...I like bullet trains ;)

2 c a r r o t s:

Kath said...

Hahaha... We can do it Jenny!! Oh, and I think I understand what you mean about5 your thesis... me too! It's as if something is missing, that thing which makes the whole thesis 'whole'.

JeNz said...

yes! we Have to do it!!!!!