Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A year ago...

...we were discussing on our trip to Taiwan in Old Town and out of fun, we made a 'fine dining' bet. 31st Oct 2010 was the due date for that bet...and yeshh..I remember! LOL...it was just out of fun that my friend was planning on a goal in which only he knows. He wrote it on a paper and the 3 of us are supposed to see if that goal in that paper will materialize a year later.

Sighs...it is a year already. As I age, Time just catches up and I miss Youth. I miss being 17 again...when it was just after SPM and the bunch of us are all enjoying the holiday as well as pondering over the 'what's-next' question.

Years after, this is the 'what's-next' already. Some have been working for 2 years, some atill job-hopped (or hope to hop) while some are married (happy and yet scary event!).

Soon, it will be yet another Christmas and New Year...oh well, all is good. I've got an early Xmas present on the 31st October :)

1 c a r r o t s:

Kath said...

I'm beginning to feel scared already too Jen!!! The "What's next" thing...!