Saturday, October 26, 2013

Best horror movie of the time: Insidious

If I am to choose the best horror movie after 'The Eye' by Pang's Brothers and 'Shutter' by Pisanthanakhun and Wongpoom (I watch tons of horror movies and these are my only...only favourites), I would say it's Insidious part I & II.

It gives you the horror of going into an unknown world which doesn't belong to you and the best part of the horror is that you DON'T know that you are actually going into that world! Going to sleep should be the best part of the day because a good night's sleep would replenish all the energy lost during office hours but, what if, you get too deep into sleep and go beyond it...into...something called as astral projection?

The beauty of Insidious is not about what you would experience with a normal horror/ghost movie because it brings out the fear of the unknown in you. Human is always afraid of what they can't see and feel and have no idea of. Personally, I watch horror/supernatural movies and read about them is because I wanted to know something which I do not know of. Something which science has difficulty in explaining. You can't quite put these experiences into experiment because it's too abstract. It's something exploration...the curiosity drives them into it.

Well, I buy the story from Insidious - really! I believe that if you do 'wander' out from your body, dead souls would want to hijack it from you because to be alive is something so precious. I also believe that if one person commits suicide, that person would go through the same suicidal process again and again until they are able to set themselves free.

In the case of astral projection, I think it's quite similar to having a deja vu.

Only it is even more spooky to be able to unconsciously wonder into another dimension where the deads are less than friendly and there's a risk that you can't get back to the world you rightfully belong to.

I shouldn't spoil the story and if you are reading this, just go and watch the movie. After the movie, you will just feel as glad as I am- to be a normal person without that sort of special abilities.

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