Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reaching a point

Recently I have been struck with this random-ness. During college, a few friends got married and are now with kids. Moving on to late-University, another friend got married and finally now, another one is getting married too. Then, another one has just delivered. A baby girl :)

When I was queuing up yesterday at KFC, the couple behind me was expecting a baby soon.

Wife: "Bi. Don't move me around. I'm feeling nausea..blu...about to...blueee...."
She ran off to the sink beside the queue and vomited. After that, she re-joined her hubby.

Wife: "Why do you want me to stand here?"
Bi: "Just stand here beside me."
Wife: "Remember to buy the X-Meal. I want the white cooper."
Bi: "Hm." (I wanted to get the Black Cooper classic...but I'm not buying the X-meal, so it'll cost me RM 9.90. It'll be RM 5.90 if purchase together with X-meal. *Think*....nah....Better save that few ringgit and put them to real good use..::I'm stretching my inflexible ringgit again::)

Wife: "X came back from US"
Bi: "You went to meet her?"
Wife: "No. Office was busy."


Wife: "Y is pregnant."
Bi: "That makes the 5 of you being pregnant now!"
Wife: "4 of us pregnant together."

The conversation carries on....


The world seems to be revolving with adults aging and maturing to a certain stage when all are getting either married or expecting. It seems pretty s c a r y.

If it's okay, I would want to get back to Form 5 and re-pave my path. Scrap STP, get straight to Pre-U, do my degree and proceed with Masters. Oh well, then again, if everything can be erased and go back to ground zero, the world would be a much better place. biological clock is ticking but I don't think I want to get tied up so soon...not before I have my Masters/PhD, own studio unit, own business, first 100K and own mini (okay...maybe not..that's too ridiculously far-fetched and not realistic) - whichever comes first.

I guess I have to plan a strategy to fish a tame fat cat...perhaps, my goals can be achieved faster...HAHAHA *evil
Then again, who would get attracted (and thereon possibly contribute) to a carefree, adventurous, overly sweet and at times child-like, chocolate crazy lil' wild and foul j e n n y?

2 c a r r o t s:

Kath said...

Aawww.... I've been struck with this kind of random feeling too. Esp since my sis is engaged and all. But, yea I want to do things first... Don't wanna settle so soon. We'll be fine. :D I feel so odd suddenly.

JeNz said... are right...we will be fine..we have to be!