Friday, January 1, 2010

b i t t e r s w e e t

B i t t e r s w e e t

Comfort, concern, consummate and care,
Love, longing, loyalty and linkage,
Bond by a red silk and sealed with a kiss,
Such the ceremony completes the Cupid's wish,
A wish made real through His little swift arrow,
Once struck, two souls entwine and grow,
There they grow wise, they grow old, all in each other's hold...

Contented, blissful, relieved, passion burning like fire,
These souls thought they are a match made in heaven,
Little did they know with certainty if it the Cupid's aim is to their heart's desire,
Through boisterous challenges and great turmoils only will they learn,
The harsh way it is for the love-struck to realize if they are lovebirds or lovelorn...

Ain't love like a chocolate or coffee or a fine wine?
Bittersweet, oh bittersweet...was it bitter at first or was it sweet?
Bittersweet, oh bittersweet...was it sweet at first or was it bitter?
How could you guess and how could you know?
The tastes are mingled and the senses are confused...
What was certain was the feeling that lingered...

A message:
"What was said, was said and what was done, was done.
Everything was beautiful and it will stay that way because what had happened was already in the past and what came to a past shall always be stored as a good memory and for that, I thank you"

What's on my mind:
It is not why a person is able to deal with a loss in the blink of an eye but it's rather more of how.

What's I'm feeling now:
Afraid to step out from a comfort zone and onto a whole new uncertain platform...

What I want to do in the next couple of days:
1. sleep...and really...just sleep...
2. sweat...detox...and be tired...
3. draw and paint...
4. people-watch over a good cup of coffee at a good joint
5. fly and forget about all the _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. gather and be silly with some good ol' friends...
7. be totally in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. be ambitious once again...
9. read (liv's email! pressure just saying)
10. settle all my _ _ _ _ _ matters (blah... there's so many things to do but so little _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _)

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