Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The myth of curing cancer with alkaline water/source

This conversation actually started when T told me what kept her from completing her pre-planned work schedule on Saturday. Well, her mum came over to KL and the family spent the day out to visit a friend of her mum. It turned out to be a business introduction meeting. The friend was selling a water ionizing system which purportedly makes your water better/easier to be absorbed at cellular level. Sounds like a good deal to promote better health - at the price of 5 figures...for a water ionizing system...just for drinking.

So N then share with us about this method to 'purify' water (idea promoted by Masaru Emoto) because she said that if such a simple method could help you in this sense, why spend 5 figures to do the same thing. Then again, how credible is this Masaru Emoto? His so-called team did not even publish his works in a scientific way.

I totally disagree with both T and N. I feel this strong urge to break this water-myth and I so much wanted to tell the whole world that, look...these are all scams. The exploited your thoughts and mislead you into believing what you subconsciously wanted to believe in and all these: are a psychological game. Everyone wants to find a tangible cure to their ailment and they, wanted to believe in a greater good.  This is the weakness where people with charisma and a greedy intention tend to prey on.

If a simple remedy of drinking more alkaline water could cure cancer, why do pharmaceutical companies spend billions in finding new compounds/chemical entities in drug discovery? What? Simply because they wanted to make more money and dominate the market? If it is only that simple. I couldn't deny the truth in market dominance/market share in which these pharma companies are trying to get hold of but then again, cancer is a very complicated subject matter that cannot be simply explained in a mere few words - let alone being cured by a single method.

You can prevent cancer, yes - by practicing a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet composed of mostly fresh vegetables and fruits. These food material contains phytochemicals which can interact with different molecules (enzymes/receptors) in body and they are termed to be more alkaline in nature. This have some sense of truth, yes. Whereas, meat; when it is processed by the body, will turn out to be more acidic in nature due to digestion. Also, yes, this is a fact and moreover, the microenvironment surrounding cancer cells tend to be more acidic due to its anaerobic glycolysis mechanism which works to enable the cells to acquire the necessary components for its survival and massive proliferation rate-- BUT this doesn't mean that if you ingest more alkaline substances and that will cure you from developing cancer. 

One needs to understand the nature of how cancer develop. It takes a single mutated cell to develop over time before it becomes neoplastic. Carcinogenesis at this period of time is reversible with the correct diet but once it became aggressive, then you'll need to rely on alternative therapeutic means. The correct diet is one which is balanced. It wouldn't make much sense if you only rely on drinking more alkaline water or eating more alkaline food. How would you define a foodstuff as alkaline (soap is very alkaline, would anyone eat it??)? Citrus has slightly lower pH...does that mean it will damage your health?

The take home message is to eat healthy, practice moderation and read from the right source: (example) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2517712/

Always think twice when a person approached you and offers you with a cure especially at the time when you are in despair.

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